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Google Buys VirusTotal


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An update from VirusTotal

Our goal is simple: to help keep you safe on the web. And we’ve worked hard to ensure that the services we offer continually improve. But as a small, resource-constrained company, that can sometimes be challenging. So we’re delighted that Google, a long-time partner, has acquired VirusTotal.

Full article at http://blog.virustotal.com/2012/09/an-update-from-virustotal.html

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  • Root Admin

Mixed feelings I can see different sides of the coin so to speak. More so along the thinking of BornSlippy and controlling and trying to make money off it it or kill it off - take a look at how easy it was to use all of Google's services before without having an account even. Now days it's almost impossible to use or properly use many of their services without an account. Then they pretty much say anything you post or do they have a legal right to use.

I guess time will tell if it is/was a good move or not.

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Then they pretty much say anything you post or do they have a legal right to use.

That's one thing I don't like. M$ is now doing the same thing on what they can do with everything you do on their services. I understand that they don't have to offer their services for free or without restrictions and that they can do things however they want, but taking content that isn't yours isn't right. What they should be doing is stating that if they wish to use your content they must receive a written agreement before hand and on your terms.

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