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Time to alter default setting to reflect bad updates reality

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This is not the first nor will it be the last time a bad update turns a perfectly good computer into a large paperweight after a bad update lived in the wild for 3 hours possibly longer tagging .sys files as malware ;)


Should mbam alter it's default settings willingly to a realistic state,

Auto Quarantining is ultimately dangerous as people find out eventually,


Is reloading windows a acceptable circumstance when or if windows restore points fail ?


I'm sure this will be moved to feedback so I'll leave it at that,

Locking threads is a pitiful way to stifle feedback as a company you should do better at accepting peoples inquiries where ever they leave it,


Word will get out that mbam is no longer a trustworthy "if it detects something remove it" utility

Once that word gets out the same which was on the positive note and mbam got popular and people bought it/ mbam will fail,


You have to cater to the non advanced user this is essentially why the default settings need to be changed willingly by mbam


Leaving them as they are is not a benefit to your customer or potential customer or anyone recommending your product,



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