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  1. A greyed out 'remove client' option means your machines and groups are AD OU imported entries. AD OU is a mirror in MBMC, you cannot perform a deletion from your AD via MBMC. If the machine has already been decommissioned from AD, delete and re-add your whole AD OU group in MBMC to force a re-sync. If the machine has not been decommissioned from AD properly, you can use the cleanup options in the Admin tab -> Database Settings -> Cleanup Settings -> 'Delete Obsolete clients ____', 'when client has not accessed server for ____ days'. Note that the last option will drop a client from the MBMC database table when it has not accessed the server for x amount of days; but if it still exists in AD, anytime your AD OU re-syncs, the machine will be back.
  2. MBMC is unable to install normally on Server 2019 because of the built-in embedded SQL Express 2008 R2, this is not supported by Server 2019. MBMC can still install if you choose to use an external SQL that you connect it to instead. Other items to note that will trip up Server 2019; MBMC installer needs TLS 1.0 to be enabled during the install portion, TLS 1.0 can be disabled once again after the installation is complete. Second is modern Microsoft Server OS comes with IIS 8 Express, or IIS 8.5 Express, installed and enabled by default. This is a conflict for our installer process. IIS8+ needs to be removed or an alternate server without this role needs to be chosen. The MBMC console requires the use of IIS 7.5 Express for its reporting function. If the server isn't actively using the IIS 8+ Express, the admin can disable the built-in 8+ Express role in Server Roles and Features prior to MBMC install. Items needed are SQL Management Studio, a newer Server 2019 supported SQL Express, and the exact same MBMC installer as your existing MBMC Console. Do not attempt to upgrade MBMC versions during a migration! Instructions for creating SQL Express external instance setup: Download a new SQL Express installer. SQL Server 2014 Express:https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=42299 SQL Server 2016 Express:https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=52679 Then follow these instructions for setup: Choose to create a New Installation. Choose "New Installation or Add Features" then click Next. Accept the license, then click Next, then Next again. Name the instance (I suggest naming it Malwarebytes) then click Next. Click "Use Same Account for all SQL Server services." On the popup, enter your Windows credentials. Choose Mixed Mode authentication. Create a password for the SA account, then click Next. Click Next two more times and finish the SQL installation. Instructions to attach existing embedded SQL database to new SQL Express external instance: On your old MBMC server, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Management Server\App_Data, the directory may also be named "C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Edition\App_Data" if you've had MBMC early versions. Inside “App_Data”, locate the scdb.mdf and scdb.ldf files. Copy these files to the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL[your SQL version number].[your SQL instance name]\MSSQL\DATA. On the new SQL Server, open SQL Management Studio and log into your instance. In the menu on the right, right-click on the "Databases" folder under your SQL instance and select "Attach", navigate to the MSSQL folder where you previously copied the files and select the scdb.mdf database file. Once attached, rename the database from C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MALWAREBYTES MANAGEMENT SERVER\APP_DATA\SCDB.MDF to just scdb, no extension. Use SQL Server Configuration Manager to enable Named Pipes and TCP/IP on your SQL Server setup - see this link if help is needed - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/database-engine/configure-windows/enable-or-disable-a-server-network-protocol?view=sql-server-ver15#SSMSProcedure Instructions to connect MBMC install on new server to the new external SQL Express instance: Run the MBMC setup to install Malwarebytes Management Server. On the SQL step choose 'Use External Database." Enter the Database Address, if named Malwarebytes from the first instruction set on step 4, it will be ".\Malwarebytes", without the quotes. Enter the username as SA, and then the password you created for it. The installation will connect to the instance and find the existing database as attached. Installation will complete and you will be prompted to log on to MBMC, all previous existing accounts on the old server before the migration will be available to use. All previous settings / policies / agents will be right where you left them. Hope this helps!
  3. Hi @Ramer-TMG, check out this post and see if it helps, while the detection item is different, the process and reason for it is the same -
  4. @jdemoccc There is a one-click MBES -> MBEP migration tool coming soon but it is not yet ready.
  5. Here a is direct feature/function comparison KB - https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-2954
  6. Hi @vsukumar, do you have SQL Management Studio?
  7. @Efrain for this one we'll need some info from the server which you may not want to be public. I'll open a support ticket on your behalf using the email tied to your forum account.
  8. Hi @Efrain if the IP for this machine is on a different subnet than the MBMC server, the push tool does not support that.
  9. On a side note, the ARW BSOD happened when ARW was being used on a server in an unsupported fashion. Our engineering team has made a change and the fix is being released. See this KB for the short version of what can be used on what in server environments - https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-2462
  10. Are you guys trying to update these clients via the system tray locally on the endpoint? This tray option only works when set to update signatures from internet. Clients set to receive signatures via the MBMC server only do so during check-in, that is based on the interval set within your policy.
  11. Clients can receive signature updates if they were previously set to get it from the internet before they went off-network, but the client will not receive any changes to the policy you make or be able to send back its status as long as it remains off-network. Roaming and remote clients are not supported on MBMC.
  12. An overwhelming majority of attacks originate from your user's workstations. MBARW on the server will not stop an attack that is not within its own memory. The best position to protect the servers is to cover all endpoints, and reconsider BYOD type policies if security software is not deployed to those machines.
  13. MBMC's admin guide lists the compatibility for the Managed Client communicator portion. To understand the compatibility for each of the protection pieces, it is best to read the admin guides for those individual items. Anti-Ransomware 0.9 Admin Guide: Operating System: Windows 10 (32/64-bit), Windows 8.1 (32/64-bit), Windows 8 (32/64-bit), Windows 7 (32/64-bit) • CPU: 800 MHz or faster • RAM: 1024 MB • Free Disk Space: 100 MB • Recommended Screen Resolution: 1024x768 or higher • Active Internet connection Anti-Ransomware 0.9 Administrator Guide.pdf Anti-Malware for Business 1.80 Administrator Guide.pdf Anti-Exploit Unmanaged Client 1.12 Administrator Guide.pdf Management Console Administrator Guide.pdf
  14. When your client show as offline, is your MBMC client view set to show auto-refresh? One the endpoint itself, is MEEClientService running?
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