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Malwarebytes not letting Avast install

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Yep until I turned OFF the Malwarebytes module I would get an error during installation.


"fatal error: current avast installer is not trusted by avast self defense module try to launch the installer again"


Take a look at his url for others with same issue: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=147847.0


Love your product so please fix this bug on your next release!!


Thanks again for keeping us free of malware,





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It's not a "bug". :)

It's common practice among many of the large AV vendors for their products to "complain" while trying to install them with other security apps on the computer, including MBAM.

It's more about marketing than about "compatibility".


In these cases, merely temporarily uninstall MBAM using the removal tool, reboot.

Then install your AV, and get it updated, configured, activated, etc.

Reinstall MBAM.


Please post back and let us know if that resolves your issue.





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Yea all I did was turn OFF Malwarebytes module and then run the Avast installer--no more error--but did have to do my research! One would think that these companies would talk to each other and somehow figure out how not to have install issues.  Someone that has no idea whats going on would be lost for help, and maybe even upset with MBAM for blocking Avast installs.


Thanks for your help, Rigo






Please post back and let us know if that resolves your issue.





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