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Malwarebytes Pro, Bitdefender W8 Security and Real-time Protection

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This is what I understand at this point. Please correct me if I am wrong. I will have four questions.

1. They are not compatible in real-time mode. When I tried running both in real-time mode on Windows 8 Pro x64 W8 kept freezing at night and sometimes during the day when I was using the computer. The critical error in Windows System Event log was "Malwarebytes services stopped working" No activity was shown after that in the Event log until I hard/cold booted the computer. I think I had full scanning exclusion of each program by the other set up correctly, maybe not Maybe it doesn't matter with theses two programs with regard to one another. After removing Malwarebytes Pro my computers stopped freezing up at night. I

Fair enough I can understand this.

2. In the past when I have removed Malwarebytes Pro and then tried to re-install the free version Mlwarebyes would auto return to the Pro version.

Question #1. Do I have to do something other than just re-install Malwarebytes to get the free version on my computers to use Malwarebytes free as a second opion app?

3. I understand that real-time scanning can be turned off in Malwarebytes Pro.

Question #2 Would this solve the conflict with BD W8 Security real-time scanning allowing the install of the Pro version of Malwarebytes?

However, I would like to continue to use the URL website real-time protection.

Question #3 Is it possible to turn off real-time files and services scanning in Malwarebytes Pro but keep the URL website real-time scanning?

Question #4. If the answer to #2 is yes will still lead to a a conflict with BD W8 Security real-time scanning?


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