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  1. I've tried over 30 times to add an IP address for sites I own to the ignore list, but no part of the block notice pop-up that I click on ever prompts me with an option for adding it to the ignore list. I've tried right clicking and left clicking when I get the error, but nothing ever works. According to this thread http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=104318 "You can unblock the IP by right clicking the tray when the block occurs, and selecting 'Add to ignore list'". Unfortunately like most tech support forum moderators this guy tell you to do something without explaining what is. What the censored is a "tray" and how the hell do I find it? Last I checked there was not label identifying any part of the error message, Malwarebytes in general, or anything visible on my desktop as a "tray", so I must ask what the censored is a tray?
  2. Right clicking on the "tray" whatever that is doesn't give me an option to "add to ignore list" I know this because I've tried re-visiting sites of mine that are IP blocked, waiting for a notice with the IP address, and right clicking on every part of the notice I could think of that could be considered anything whether its called a "trey" or not. Never once did I get a prompt saying "add to ignore list". I own the pro version so either I've been ripped off or this "trey" must have nothing to do with the notice.
  3. The is a false positive. I'm sure of it because it hosts my websites bullyingnews.com, illegalaliensarrested.com, and biologicalterroralert.com none of which contain malware. I know this because I built those sites, if a website owned by someone else on the same IP is distributing malware please remove the IP block and replace it with a block on just their domain please. I would also like to know how to add an IP address to the Ignore List without having to click on the notification when it pops up because it doesn't always pop-up and no matter what I click on I've never gotten an option to add the ip to the Ignore List, but I shouldn't have to do that because there should be a textbox on either the Ignore List or the menu that pops up when add is clicked. Please add a textbox to the add feature of the Ignore List so I can just paste it in.
  4. I visited PRQ.SE today to take a look at their shared hosting packages, but their IP address keeps getting blocked. Is this a new development due to an attack of some sort or is there something wrong with this domain? Is there a way I can unblock an IP I believe is safe?
  5. The last sentence above should have read "Just pick which numbers from the list that the other incident was not about so that I can rule out my random guesses." Pardon the spelling, but I'm quite tired.
  6. You can't discuss it, but law enforcement is handling it. Is that the best you can do? If can't talk about it for legal reason I understand, so I'm going to give you a list of things that I would consider worse than fake AVs. The list is as follows: 1. Phishing 2. Credit Card Fraud 3. Identity Theft 4. Terrorism 5. Child Porn 6. Human Trafficking 7. Sale of User Data 8. Rootkits 9. Password Stealers 10. Randsomwear I don't have time to go on, but you get the idea. Just pick which numbers from the list that the other incident was about so that I can rule out my random guesses.
  7. Thanks for the feedback. It has me wondering whether to share this with them using the support ticket system or just move on to a new host. Either way I've already posted their domain name, so it wouldn't surprise me if their brand management people find this eventually assuming they monitor Google results. Can you tell me what incident was more serious than malware, what incident is still live, and specific dates for the ones that were on my IP?
  8. When were the AVs hosted there? I've only been using this host for a few months and I would like to know if I'm dealing with anyone shady. I would never knowingly put viruses on my own server and my IP should only have those 3 domains on it. Have you ever had problems with sites hosted by KoDDos.com before?
  9. That is concerning because I have never hosted fake AVs, but some of my sites have been hacked in the past after fake AVs stole FTP credentials from Filezilla on one of my computers. They then downloaded the files for the sites before appending a script tag to all of my index pages (ex: Default.aspx, index.php, etc.) and uploading them. As a result most of my ASP.Net sites returned server runtime errors because HTML is not allowed outside of ContentPlaceHolders on index pages with master pages, but in a couple cases I was not using master pages and those sites started rendering Iframes to pages on other domains that were distributing the virus even though my sites themselves never hosted anything malicious. Still I don't recall any of my PHP Wordpress sites getting impacted due to the fact that I was not hosting them on the computer impacted by this virus http://blog.armorize.com/2011/08/k985ytvhtm-fake-antivirus-mass.html for which two of my domains are on the list. I did get hit over a week ago by a different fake AV on the computer I use to program those sites and although I changed my password on all .Net sites used by that computer I didn't get around to the PHP ones because they are of low priority. Was this block put on those domains over 2 months ago or recently?
  10. Hi, I am a webmaster whose lost access to his own site due to installing Malwarebytes on my computer. It worked great for removing rogue security software, but now it seems to have gone rogue on its own blocking access to: bullyingnews.com illegalaliensarrested.com www.biologicalterroralert.com I've check out the home pages using SE Bot Simulator at http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/se-bot-simulator.html and don't see any evidence of script injection. The ip address being blocked is
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