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HELP, Can't open or uninstall malwarebytes!

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So, I have been through hell the last 12 hours. Somehow my firewall was turned off, then I was infected with "spyware protect 2009" that was pop up hell and did not allow me to use the internet(IE). so i researched on my laptop and was told the malwarebytes would take out this nasty "spyware protect 2009". So after downloading on the laptop and transfering over to desktop I got the program installed by changing some of the file names. The whole computer scan came up with 134 infected files! I deleted these and restarted the computer. It appeared to have deleted the spywareprotect2009 or at least the popups but now Internet explorer won't even think about opening, and windows defender will not start either, and malwarebytes will not open! So I decided it was time to switch to firefox and installed it on both computers and now I can connect to the internet on my desktop, YEAH! So I decided to uninstall malwarebytes since it was not working and when I try in the add/remove programs it just freezes up. So I tried doing it manualy by deleting the program folder but it would'nt let me so i opened it and deleted each item seperately untill i found mbamext.dll which said Access is denied.

So this is where I am now, I think I got rid of most of the virus, My internet is working again per firefox, my firewall is back on, I have had AVG Anti-virus free installed the whole time (but obviously did'nt stop this) but seems to have kept working uneffected by all of this, so I am somewhat content.

QUESTIONS - How do I uninstall mbamext.dll or the whole malwarebytes program?

Should I reinstall it?

What can i do to further sweep my computer for crap (IE not working, windows defender, something must be left)?

What should i do in the future to protect myself?

-Thank you so much to anyone who can help me

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Please follow these instructions (skipping any steps you are unable to complete) for posting in our Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs forum. If you cannot follow any of those steps, then please create a new topic in that forum explaining what happened when you tried to run each of the tools in the instructions, and the expert who helps you will be able to suggest steps to take to get the tools working.

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