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PC Randomly freeze up completely?


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I currectly have a HP windows 7 desktop computer model: HPE-110F and it's been acting up lately.

When I watch videos, or am just surfing the web it will freeze up entirely with no warning & won't respond to any key. So I am forced to do a hard boot by holding down the power button.


It happened 4 times within a half hour and believe me it's getting beyond annoying.


If anyone could suggest any tips in helping me fix my issue I'd appreciate it.

Also, if any more info is needed I can post back to help assist me.


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it may be that the cpu/gpu is overheating due to a clogged cooling airpath .

use a can of "compressed air" and clear out the the path ... especially the fan and exhaust port .

do not allow the fan to spin up when blowing it out ... you can lock the impeller with a toothpick .

use the "compressed air" to move the fluff forward and backward (ie : blow into the exhaust port) ... this will help break it up and eject it .


see if this make a difference .

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