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Difference between Error Code 732 and 732 (0,0)

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Hi Donna -

Basically this is due to lack of Internet Connection - 730 means to reinstall, while 732 is lack of internet connection -


•Error 730: Unable to load the database. Please reinstall the application.

•Error 732: Error updating the database or product. Check Internet connectivity.

See the link from the FAQ section-

Regards -

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Hi noknojon,

Good to see you! :)

Thank you for responding. I knew from personal experience that Error Code 732 was due to a connection issue.

Is Error Code 732 (0,0) the same as Error Code 732? Back when I was afflicted with this error myself there were no (0,0)'s in parenthesis behind the error code. I thought maybe it had something to do with having the Pro version as opposed to the free version and thought I'd come to the source and ask.

Are the Error Codes the same for the Pro version as they are for the free version? Will the same fix apply?

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Hi, DonnaB: :)

Until noknojon returns...

Yes, AFAIK that is a very old error code that was retired a long time ago, and it would be the same for Free and PRO.

Please do the following:

Download mbam-check.exe from >>HERE<< and save it to your desktop.

Double-click on mbam-check.exe to run it -- it should then open a log file.

Please attach to your next reply the CheckResults.txt file which should now be located on your desktop.

The MBAM staff will review the scan log and advise you further.



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Hi daledoc1,

I didn't mean to mislead you in any way. I'm not having an issue with my MBAM at the moment. I just needed to make sure the Error Codes were one and the same.

To be honest, I am in training for the removal of malware and the fella I am helping was presented with the Error Code 732 (0,0) when I asked him to update his program and run a scan. Knowing that Error Code 732 had been retired way back around 2009-10, I started researching the Error Code with the double (0,0)'s in my instructors absence thinking it might be a new Error Code that was assigned or was associated with the Pro version and not the free version.

I hope that creating a thread here to ask my question wasn't out of context, but I had to know if there was a difference since I had researched the original Error Code back then.

Donna :)

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Hi again Donna -

I would just treat it as you would a 732 error, and then check their current version -

Quite often they will say it is updated, but always be sure it is the latest version vith current updates.

You can always check this against your version and installed updates.

If they do have internet, check in the FAQ area links and ask them to Uninstall, then Reinstall the program -

Regards - :)

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Hi again,

Yes. It was my plan to uninstall the program since I'm quite sure it is very outdated, as everything else on the computer is. I also found this tool that I totally forgot about that I will use to ensure all residuals are removed so we can install on a clean slate.

If the uninstall and the reinstall doesn't work, I'll know to have them check their Internet Settings, etc.

Thank you very much for the info. I truly appreciate your help.

Now I need to make a visit to my profile to see why I am not receiving email notifications from here! Glad I checked in.

Donna :)

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