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Ransomware Prevent

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Hello and :welcome:

No one product can protect you 100% of the time, but having a good current antivirus program working together with Malwarebytes PRO will go a long way to you not getting infected.

Malwarebytes does detect and block the latest ransom ware infections, but one must remember that malware changes every day and you have to ensure you keep your security products updated in order to make sure you are being protected with the latest definitions. I know Malwarebytes updates their definitions at least 10 times a day, if not more at times to keep up with all the changes and malware they detect.

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NO, that is not true, this product no longer detects ransomware. It used to find it quickly but somehow whoever is creating this malware has figured out how to get around its detection by Anitmalwarebytes. Other A/V programs do detect it though, so not to worry, but looks like this first defense is no longer valid.

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  • Staff

Your statement seems to be lacking some information..


Please see my other post to your original thread.


Ransomware is not just one program.


There are 100's of variants and morphs per day.


Our stats show we detect a LOT of ransomware. But like stated here its impossible to detect everything 100% of the time all the time. No one program can do this.

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