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Completion message: where is it controlled?

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At the completion of a scan, a message box pops up that says the scan completed without errors. It takes a couple of clicks to clear the screen then exit, which is not a big deal. However, if I have been away from the computer for a number of days, I have to close a number of those boxes. I have scouted around, but I can't find a check box that controls whether that completion box is displayed. Where can I find it?


Ken K

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Hi there Ken,

If you'd like for these message boxes to not appear after a scheduled scan completes, you can turn this off by editing that particular scheduled scan. To do this, launch Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, then navigate to the Settings tab. From within here, navigate to the "Scheduler Settings" tab. Select a scheduled scan and click the Edit button near the bottom of the window.

This should open a new window. By checking the box "Terminate program when scan completes successfully.", Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will be automatically closed and no message box will be shown. Please see the screenshot if you need help finding this option.


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