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First of all please excuse my probably bad englisch, it's not my foreign language. 

Im having some issues with my Archos 50c Platinum. It's running 5.1 Lollipop. 

Malwarebytes shows that the phone is infected with pup.adware.kemoge and trojan.agent.pg and both cant be removed.

Kemoge is located in "BH70I_ServiceProvider.apk" and trojan.agent.pg in "Settings.apk". 

The Settings.apk is running a service called "com.android.jservice.provider" which seems to cause a lot of trouble with my phone: 

The service - if not deactivated - uses a lot of Akku and also seems to download the adware "my recents" without asking for any permission to do so. 

But even if i disable the service, everytime i try to disable the setting for downloads from unsecure sources, a few hours later the setting is enabled again. 

Doing a factory reset doesn't work either, cause after that the service is reenabled and still running on the phone. 

Running Malwarebytes on a brandnew 50c says that the phone is infected with the Trojan too, so i guess it's part of the original firmware. 

So my question is: Am i right with my thoughts and is there any way to to get rid of this without rooting my phone?

Thanks for ur time Zecke

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Hi Zecke,

Yes, unfortunately system apps can only be removed by rooting your device, an alternative would be to install a trusted custom ROM. It's really become a bad deal that so many phones no come preinstalled with either malware or greyware.



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